What Am I Making
What Am I Making Podcast
WAIM #062 - Brad Kyle

WAIM #062 - Brad Kyle

This week, we get to know writer, music nerd, and cultural historian Brad Kyle. We hear how he fell in love with rock and roll at an early age and eventually came to write about it later in life.

I first got to know Brad Kyle when friend of WAIM, Kevin Alexander took part in a game called Tune Tag. The game was hosted by Brad at his Front Row & Backstage substack. The game involves linking songs through the artists that played on them, places where they were recorded, who produced and various other factors. It’s nerdery at a very high level and I immediately fell in love with the concept. Thankfully, Brad was down and we had a terrific exchange that encompassed Bowie, Spoon, Alejandro Escovedo, and more. 

When Brad and I got the chance to sit down in late January (took a minute for this one to hit the streets) we started with the oh so familiar many origin storiy; The Beatles on Ed Sullivan. Brad shares how he chucked the accordion immediately upon seeing the Fab Four and has been head over heels in love with rock and roll ever since. 

We get a front row seat (pun intended) to radio in the 60’s and 70’s as we are regaled with stories of Brad’s father working as an ad-man in the Houston radio market. Brad talks about the crates of promos that became his own personal collection, and the hundreds of artists who almost made it, but ended up completely forgotten. It’s these artists that most fascinate Brad Kyle.


While Brad has long been in love with rock and roll, he only started writing about it very recently. In fact, writing for an audience came late to Brad. He first took his pen public in 2014 when he began a long stint as a beat writer for the Houston Astros for a sports blog. When the blog closed up shop, Brad with no editor, switched horses completely and began writing about music full-time. He has never looked back. 

During his time on Substack, Brad has forged a friendship with singer, songwriter, and actor Steven Michael Scwartz who was an up and coming star in the 70’s that never made it big. Schwartz and Kyle have worked together to help tell that story, and to carve out an example of artistic resilience. It’s a fascinating relationship that has led to more than twenty articles by Schwartz for Front Row & Backstage

There is also talk of the big bands not needing any more help, Brad’s days of working at a massive Houston record store in the golden era of vinyl, and we learn about Brad’s fascination with the minutiae of the music industry. This is a great chat with a hardcore fan and a man spreading the gospel of rock and roll each and every day. 


Matty C

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What Am I Making
What Am I Making Podcast
Hey there. I’m Matty C. For the formally inclined folks in the crowd, the official designation is Matt Carlson.
I am a 50 year old musician, songwriter, and graphic designer that's spent the Covid era pondering deep and meaningful questions about music, film, literature and art in the 21st century.
It seems as though we’re living in age where musicians have to give their music away, content is around every corner and we don’t seem to really value much of any of it the way we used to.
What is it really like to make a living pursuing a life in the arts these days? Why are we seeing a lower percentage of artists in the workforce than at anytime in 100 years?
Now, I’ve reached a point of massive change in my life and I am preparing to spend more of my time, and hopefully, generating a portion of my income from my creative endeavors. That’s a terrifying endeavor, but it’s also incredibly exciting.
I’ll be discussing these ideas and a whole lot more of my own curiosity and creative endeavors on this platform using the written word, videos, podcasts, music and probably some other assets I learn along the way. I’ll be seeking out smart, and fascinating creatives as they build their own lives while fighting an ever-growing series of new challenges and opportunities.
All of these journeys and detours are an effort to share my exploration of culture in the modern world, and to help shine a brighter light on the work I have been doing for years as a musician, designer and podcaster.
This discussion is at the very center of our civilization, what it means to be human andhow to find a meaningful way to connect through that shared humanity in the form of artistic expression. Art is at the core of the relationship. Let’s explore it with that context, and that incalculable value, in mind.
If you enjoy what you hear on the show, please subscribe to my Substack where I also I post this podcast as well as a variety of essays, video and recordings regularly in my search to find out what art really matters to people right here and right now, and they are willing to do to invest in our culture.
Thank you so much for being here. It’s wonderful to have your support.