Look motherfucker, YOU ARE MATTY C. You work fucking hard! You do good things. Sing great songs. Touring is hard. For everyone. Eddie Kirkland used to carry a transmission in the truck when he toured. He bought it when he could afford it, and it stayed with him like a talisman. I know for a mathmaatical certainty that this tour is going to go exactly as it should. You are a road dawg man! You got this. I believe in you.

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Wow. Thanks a million, Dino I needed this pep talk today. Thanks for lifting a dude up.

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You go out there and have the TIME OF YOUR LIFE! It’s like Liam Gallagher says about this life of ours, “you only get to do it once.”

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Thanks so much, Thea. As my Dad used to say, "Life is not a dress rehearsal."

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Matty, I remember a similar post before your last tour. Car problems, uncertainty, fear! But being the badass that you are you made it happen and had a great, memorable time.

You are an inspiration.

Dude, you booked 25 shows and you did it without an agent / label support. That's commitment!

There is a reason that you are nervous and allowing your mind to focus on the bad scenarios… the unknown, but the reward is worth the risk. That's what makes it so inspiring to witness.

One city at a time. Turn stressful moments into opportunities and find comfort knowing you have friends here that believe in you and want to see you getting your art out there. Be relentless!

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Well said, my friend. I sure appreciate all of the support and encouragement, man. Thanks a million.

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Ditto what everyone else has said. You'll have amazing weather out on the west coast (most of it anyway) and we have the best burritos in the country. I know you have no shows in Oakland, but if you are nearish and need a place to crash and don't mind a big dog licking your face, hit me up!

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