By the time spring of 2021 hit, I was reeling. I’d lost my Dad the summer prior out of nowhere. My mental health was in a tailspin, my grief was overwhelming and the reality and paranoia of life during lockdown was taking a serious toll. One of the few highlights in my life was a weekly hangout with a handful of people who listened to the same daily podcast I listened to, Stand Up with Pete Dominick.
At the first few of these hangouts, I was atypically quiet. I’d often lurk in the background of these Zoom meetings and duck out after a few minutes. Gradually however, I began to learn more about each of the characters involved in the weekly discussions. The crew was always welcoming and kind. For me, these hangouts became as therapeutic and valuable for me as actual therapy sessions.
Over time, this group of people has become a true community. We have shepherded each other through loss, frustration, and disappointment. And each week, we come together to raise each other up, celebrate our successes, and just bitch about the state of the world. The weekly meetings can range from hilarious to insightful to intimate to infuriating. It’s the best sort of discussion. I am always enlightened and entertained.
Pete himself has been one of my most vocal and ardent supporters. He’s appeared numerous times on the WAIM pod, including the very first episode, and has used his credibility and bona fides to afford me an opportunity to connect with a potential guest. His kindness and mentorship have been a key part of whatever success I have built here at WAIM.
In addition to our weekly hangouts, several members of the community have become offline friends with genuine, meaningful relationships. I count myself lucky enough to have added a number of truly good friends to my life in recent years just because of this group of people.
During my time in this community I have been overwhelmed by the generosity, kindness, and encouragement of so many of these folks. Many people from the Stand Up community were the first to offer to host me on my first solo tour last summer. A number of those same folks, and others are stepping up to host again this year. Still more, will drive long stretches to come see me this summer because of our connection on the hangouts.
After our PodJam weekend in Las Vegas this past March, I was so inspired that I came home and dashed out a quick song. It’s a tight pair of verses and a chorus that says, with some efficiency, what I need to say about this group of people and how these Thursday nights have opened a whole new world of love and friendship in my life.
This one goes out to all of my dear friends in the Stand Up community. I’ll see y’all on Thursday.
Matty C
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