What Is Your Perfect Day In Song?
This week at WAIM Radio, we are dedicating an hour to the important days of our lives.
I recently watched an interview with the great documentarian, Ken Burns on the Blocks podcast with comedian Neil Brennan. Burns and Brennan were discussing the concept of staying in the moment, and Burns pointed out that no matter when we find it, there is only one moment.
The concept kinda split my mind open a bit, but I was immediately intrigued. He spoke of the moment as if were a continual river always waiting for us to dip our feet into its flow. The moment is not a single thing that pops up and then disappears, it is always there. We can think about the past. We can consternate over the future. Those concepts are esoteric and illusory. The moment is here whenever we are willing to access it.
I’ve spent so much of my now life in a fog missing millions of moments. In recent years, I have learned to take hold of the moment and get the most from it, but it’s still a skill that I am honing. When I was out on tour this year, the moments came fast and furiously, and I sought to soak up all of them. In my day to day life at home, I am seemingly less open. While I have not cut myself off from the moment, I can easily become mired in my own minutiae, thus missing out on the magic around me.
This week at WAIM, we’re filling an hour with the days that matter. Whether the days are rainy, long gone, dreamt about, or are simply perfect, we wanna know about your favorite days in song. Let us know about your favorite musical day(s).
Be sure to tune in Friday live at Noon Eastern on Suburbs Radio to hear the show live as it airs. New episodes are also archived here at WAIM each Tuesday. Feel free to go back and listen to any of our episodes at any time in the WAIM Radio archive.
Matty C
Lovely Day Bill Withers
Gotta go with "Monday, Monday" by The Mamas & the Papas!