What Is Your Favorite Ghost Song?
This week on WAIM Radio, we are going out on a ghost hunt. What is your favorite song on the supernatural?
Is there anyone not intrigued by the idea of ghosts? We may not all believe in the specific aspects of an afterlife, but the certainty of our mortality has all of curious about what might come when we reach the other side.
I myself have experienced unexplained phenomena. The home I grew up in was filled with odd feelings, eerie sensations, strange noises, and some seriously weird stuff.
One year for Christmas I had been given a massive plastic aircraft carrier. After a few months of playing with it, I used it less and less frequently. To get it off the floor of my room, my Dad helped me store it on a shelf in my bedroom closet. The carrier was so large that it scraped a bit of paint from the wall as we carefully wedged the thing into the cramped space. A few hours later, we were having dinner and heard a massive crash come from upstairs. We raced up to see what has caused the ruckus to find the carrier back on the floor of my room. Everyone in the house was eating dinner when the noise occurred.
There were other moments of feeling watched, as well the sense of not being alone despite no other live humans in the room. One summer we returned home from a vacation to find all of the framed pictures in my parent’s bedroom carefully laid out on the bed. It could certainly have been a practical joke, but more than forty years later no has copped to it.
There are ghosts that have lived in my current home as well. We bought our house in 2003 after the death of my great grandfather. Shortly after moving in I proceeded to write an entire record that centered around a couple that mirrored my own family without realizing it until after most of the songs had been composed. On myriad occasions, we have smelled fresh cigarette smoke although none of us have ever smoked. I find it comforting to think that our ancestors are still looking to get time with us.
This week at WAIM Radio we are exploring the unexplained. We are on a sonic ghost hunt. What is your favorite song about the supernatural? Do you have a preferred tune from the ghost world? Furthermore, are you a believer or a skeptic as relates to ghosts? Tell us all about it.
Be sure to tune in Friday live at Noon Eastern on Suburbs Radio to hear the show live as it airs. New episodes are also archived here at WAIM each Tuesday. Feel free to go back and listen to any of our episodes at any time in the WAIM Radio archive.
Matty C
New Order- Love Vigilantes
Of Monsters and Mem- Little Talks
The Specials- Ghost Town
Swearin'- Grow Into A Ghost
Psychedelic Furs- The Ghost In You
"Spirits in the Material World" The Police, from the LP Ghost in the Machine