Tour Prep: The Hour Is Getting Late
With just two weeks before the tour begins, we have open dates still looming large, a new west coast version of the Postcard Program, and your last chance to pre-order tour merch. Let's dive in.
The biggest trip of my life begins in just two weeks. On Thursday, September 26, I’ll load the Buick and begin my sojourn westward. Over the course of six weeks, I’ll be covering more than ten thousand miles, playing thirty shows, and taking in a huge swath of the American landscape that will see me make it all the way to the Pacific Ocean and back.
In many ways, this trip westward is a natural progression forward from my pair of successful solo tours of the eastern US that I embarked upon in 2023 and 2024. Still, this run will feature a whopping ten additional shows more than the most recent east cost tour, and will cover thousands more miles. On my eastern tours, I was able to play and stay regularly in the homes of friends and acquaintances. For the Western edition, I will playing far fewer house concerts and more conventional venues.
Playing more traditional spaces is certainly not all bad, but it does make it tougher to reach an audience when I am nothing more than a stranger in the room. It can also be a real challenge in those environments to make a decent amount of cash for the night.
As I have prepped the tour over the course of the last eight months, I’ve vacillated between desperation and exultation. I am thrilled at the prospect of seeing Yosemite and San Francisco and Seattle. But I am also terrified at the possibility of failing on the road. With less on the ground help in many spots along the route from would be hosts than I have had before, I fear that audiences will be small and apathetic. More than the emotional gut punch of that scenario, I worry about how it will affect my finances and my ability to make it home successfully.
Yet for all of that worry, I am also thrilled and exceedingly proud to have come this far already. I have twenty five shows lined up and ready to roll. Already, I have made connections with remarkable people who I am sure will be friends by the time I get to their place to set up for the gig.
I’m also continually amazed at the generosity of the people here within this community. The entire time that I have been building this tour, you have been helping me forge connections, secure dates, find hosts, arrange for lodging, lending me your support, and so much more. Still, there are a couple of things I could still use a hand with if you’re still willing to help out.
Five Hosts Still Needed
As it stands right now, the scoreboard reads five empty dates left to fill. So many of you have already been working on this and I appreciate your help so much. However, until we get secured dates in ink on the calendar, I’m obliged to keep asking for your help in getting these open dates cemented. Let’s take another look at the places we’re trying to fill.
10/6 - Portland, OR
10/12 - Santa Cruz, CA
10/17 - San Luis Obispo/Ventura, CA
10/18 - Los Angeles, CA
10/26 - Denver, CO
Hosting is no more difficult than throwing a party, and will not cost you any money out of pocket. I’ve played shows in a wide variety of spaces from decks and patios to basements and garages, coffeeshops, art galleries, bookshops, record stores, and even the former site of a World’s Fair. If you have enough room for 20 friends, I can take care of the rest.
Please reach out even if you are able to host a show, or if you might be able to help us find another spot in one of these cities. I sure could use your help. Thank you so much, my friends.
Matty C ‘s Tour Prep Pledge Drive
In addition to this being the biggest tour of my life, it will also be the most expensive. Even before hitting the road, the expenses have been piling up. I’ve already shelled out cash for a new run of t-shirts, posters, postcards, stickers, ad budgets, postage and more. Of course, once I begin the tour there will be mounting expenses for gas, food, and lodging.
This is where I could really use your help.
Over the course of my summer tour, I was able to generate almost as much revenue from merch as I made in ticket sales. Being able to move a couple of shirts or some vinyl after a gig is often a way to salvage the economics of a mediocre show. Furthermore, many attendees spend more than the $20 ticket price in merch. As such, even one or two sales can lift an otherwise subpar evening, financially speaking.
As I get ready to load the car, the Sheddio On The Road Store is already open and ready for your orders. We could sure use your orders to help power the Buick down the byways of America. There are brand new t-shirts featuring the west coast our bird. I designed a brand new poster just for the tour and you’ll also find tote bags, stickers, and loads of other goodies. You can also still get registered for our Postcard Program where you’ll get a series of handwritten postcards from Matty C on the road.
There is also a limited edition crew neck sweatshirt now available for pre-order only. Time is limited. Get yours today.
Each purchase goes directly to support my tour efforts and makes an enormous difference to the success of this endeavor. Thanks a million.
If you’d prefer to make a donation instead making a purchase, we welcome your contributions via Venmo and PayPal. Donations of any and all sizes are greatly appreciated and help fund quickly mounting expenses like gas, oil changes, food, hotel rooms, and maybe even a whisky drink if we’re lucky.
Thanks so much for all of your support and friendship.
Matty C